Plant Care – Celosia Merida Pink
Light: Place your Celosia plants at a spot where it receives a minimum of eight hours of direct sunlight every day. Lower light environments will result in a taller, leggier plant with overall lesser bloom.
Water: Water your Celosias as often as necessary to consistently moist the soil. Keeping its soil moist is essential for better growth and a fuller bloom.
Soil: Celosias thrive in soil that drains quickly. Poorly draining planting sites can cause them to develop root rot, evident by wilted or discoloured leaves.
Fertiliser: Fertilise your Celosias with a general slow-release fertiliser. Keep in mind to use the suggested serving stated on your fertiliser’s packaging.
Humidity Requirement: Medium. 40%.
Fun Facts about the Celosia: When grown organically, the Celosia is non-toxic to dogs, cats and even horses! Celosia is used in traditional medicines as well! Medications with Celosia contents were used to treat tapeworms, nosebleeds, and many more!
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*Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size & arrangement may differ from the photo.
Proudly by Prince’s Landscape, Your Landscape Design and Plant Specialist.