Plant Care – Cyperus alternifolius
Light: Place your Cyperus alternifolius under bright and filtered sunlight. And do avoid full sunlight because it will cause its leaves to scorch and dry up. We recommend placing them near a window where it can receive several hours of filtered light throughout the day.
Water: Allow the top surface of the soil to dry up between watering the plant. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out slightly between waterings. The plant appreciates consistent moisture, but overwatering can lead to root rot.
Soil: The Cyperus thrives in a well-draining potting mix that can retain moisture. A mixture of peat moss with perlite and pumice would work fine.
Fertiliser: Fertilise your plant with a balanced NPK slow-release fertiliser. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when fertilising your plant.
Humidity Requirement: High. The Cyperus thrives in humid environments. Place it near other plants or place a tray of wet pebbles.
Fun Facts about the Cyperus genus: Did you know? The Cyperus genus is commonly referred to as the “umbrella sedge” due to the distinctive umbrella-like arrangement of its leaves. The leaves radiate outwards from the stem, resembling the shape of an open umbrella. This unique feature not only adds to the visual appeal of Cyperus plants but also helps in their identification and classification within the botanical world.
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*Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size & arrangement may differ from the photo.
Proudly by Prince’s Landscape, Your Landscape Design and Plant Specialist.