Plant Care – Philodendron verrucosum ‘Incensi’
Light: Place your Philodendron verrucosum ‘Incensi’ under bright, indirect sunlight and do avoid direct sunlight as it will cause its leave to turn yellow. Too much exposure to direct sunlight and high temperatures will cause the plant to dry up, leaves to turn yellow and wilt.
Water: Allow the top surface of the soil to dry up between watering the plant. We recommend watering it once a week or whenever necessary. Overwatering your Philodendron can cause water beds and this will result in root problems. Droopy leaves are a good sign of overwatering, therefore you should skip a week of watering.Â
Soil: The Philodendron thrives in a well-draining potting mix that can retain some moisture. Do remember to repot when the plant becomes too big and its roots become root-bound.
Humidity Requirement: High Humidity and warm temperatures is recommended.
Fun Facts about the Philodendron verrucosum ‘Incensi’: Philodendron verruscosum ‘Incensi’ Family: Araceae (Aroids) Philodendron verrucosum is a velvet leaf Philodendron that grows in rainforest regions from Central America down into Ecuador and Peru in South America.
Grow it up a moss pole and spray regularly to create humidity. Water freely when in full growth and add a monthly liquid feed.Â
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*Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size & arrangement may differ from the photo.
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