Plant Care – Stephania erecta
Light: Place your Stephania erecta under bright and filtered sunlight, and avoid direct sunlight as it will scorch its leaves and dry up. Place your plant near a window and make sure it receives filtered sunlight.
Water: It is easy to overwater your plant due to its caudex’s ability to store water for it. We would recommend allowing the soil to dry up before watering the plant.
Soil: The Stephania erecta thrives in a well-draining potting mix. It will not do well in loamy soil as it will cause water beds.
Fertiliser: The Stephania erecta thrives well even without any fertiliser. If you feel the need to feed it, feed it a small amount every three months.
Humidity Requirement: Medium to High. Give it the occasional mist if the weather is hot and dry.
Fun Facts about the Stephania genus: Did you know? Native to southern and eastern Asia and Australia, the Stephania is a genus of flowering plants in the family Menispermaceae. These herbaceous vines can grow up to 4 metres tall!
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*Product photo shown is for reference only. The actual plant colour, type, size & arrangement may differ from the picture
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